A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

Made for Ludum Dare 46 - the Jam.

As Earth-threatening asteroids are discovered, your task is to knock them into an escape trajectory (i.e. off screen). Prevent them from crashing into Earth! If too many crash into the Earth, it will die. Inspired by the classic retro game Asteroids, and the Asteroid Redirect Mission of NASA.

Elastic collisions!™
Realistic* Gravity!™
Procedurally-generated asteroids!™

Made in Java, using the Lightweight Java Game Library 3.
Tools used include BFXR, Eclipse IDE, Audacity, Photoshop, GIMP, and BMFont.

W:        Thrust forward
S:        Thrust backward
A:        rotate counter-clockwise
D:        rotate clockwise

R:        Restart (try not to accidentally press it)
Spacebar: Pause
Escape:   Exit (only while paused)

Additional info/tips:

The faster an asteroid is travelling, the more damage it will do if you hit Earth.
All asteroids will start in a clockwise orbit around Earth, at a random phase angle, a random altitude altitude (within a range) and with some variation in velocity.

*Subject to subjectivity.


AsteroidRedirectProject.zip 13 MB

Install instructions

Download, extract the zip to a folder, and run the Jar file. Requires Java 1.8.